Fighting for the Soul of my Party
We are very sorry about all the emails you received from Substack last night. We are in the process of migrating our email list over to...
Democrats Need an Economic Plan
By Celinda Lake and Mike Lux It happens after every election loss, and it’s worse than usual this year: the finger pointing and the blame...
Nothing Inevitable About Losing This Election
There are few things more irritating than the post-election period after Democrats suffer a defeat. The backbiting, finger pointing,...

What Working-Class Folks Need From the New DNC Chair
We are off to the races to pick a new leader of the Democratic National Committee, with a couple of incredibly exciting candidates from...

Mourn, Yes. Freak Out, No.
We Democrats are all, rightfully, still in mourning over Donald Trump being president again. The election results were of course terrible...

The Only Path Forward Is for Democrats to Return to Their Roots
I love all the inspiring songs, poems, and thoughts people are sending around right now. My favorite was from an old friend who sent...
That Closing Argument Thing
Okay, how many of these “closing argument” columns and articles have you seen? Sorry, but I have to add mine to the mix as well. I...

MEMO: Economic Populism Is Ascendant with Battleground State Voters
October 22, 2024 TO: Reporters + Political Thought Leaders FROM: Mike Lux RE: New Battleground Polling Memo on Antitrust Enforcement A...

Competing for Blue-Collar Voters
There are so many things going well for Democrats and the Harris-Walz campaign. We are winning, decisively, on the abortion question. We...

The Rising Tide of Economic Populism
I wrote an article a few days back about the growing evidence that an economically populist message will help Democrats win this...