Joel Hates Health Care Repeal
The Politics Guy's good friend Joel Silberman is our inaugural guest star! While Joel is fighting cancer, Senate Republicans are fighting...

Healthcare Repeal Horror: Showdown Part III
We killed it once... We killed it twice... Maybe the third time is the charm. The Republicans are back at it again with their horrifying...

The Definition of Freedom
Conservatives spend a lot of time talking about freedom. They seem deathly afraid that government is going to take all their freedoms...
Republicans: Bad for Business
Lost in Donald Trump’s pro-Confederate, neo-Nazi messaging meltdown in the last ten days was a major moment in modern American political...
Thanks to the millions who fought to save our health care
I have a friend, diabetic like me, who could not afford insurance and whose health spiraled worse and worse. He died alone in his...

True Patriotism
So, 241 years ago we had that whole Declaration of Independence thing. The July 4th holiday is always a good time to think about what...

At the Edge of the Abyss, Democrats Need a New Strategy
The Democratic talking points after losing two more House special elections, including one in Georgia that many people thought they would...

The Movie Monster That Won't Die: The GOP Plan to Kill Health Care
While most of us have been distracted with the soap opera that is the Trump presidency -- I call it "The Daze of Trump's Lies" -- Mitch...

Harnessing Climate Change to Change the Political Climate
In the wake of Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris Accord, Mike offers some insights on how Democrats can regain power in 2018 and...

Elizabeth Warren Said It, Bernie Ran On It, Trump Won On It
Wake up, progressives. Republicans are stealing your message and winning on it. Democrats have got to be more than just the "anti-Trump"...