What Mom Taught Me
My mom passed away in March, and I’ve been missing her a great deal. She wasn’t just my mom: she was my hero and my role model. I have...

Inversion: Viagra for Tax Dodgers
Today, in honor of Tax Day and to highlight corporate inversions and other tax-dodging schemes, American Family Voices, Americans for Tax...
Castro Controversy: Why Aren’t All the Defenders Defending Him on the Substance?
In 2008, the massive housing bubble collapsed due to Wall Street’s manipulating of markets and government, as well as a whole lot of...
The Panama Papers Are the Tip of the Iceberg: Cracking Down on Wealthy Cheaters
As you might be expecting from the headline, I am going to be talking about the Panama papers in this article, but the Panama papers...

Bad for Business: 2016 Republicans
I have long believed that progressive economic policies are far better for most businesses than the policies of the modern Republican...
The Unifying Theory of Political Everything
There is so much craziness going on in the political world right now that it makes it hard to think, as random supernovas of strangeness...
Human Rights Abuses Arriving at Boston Logan, Courtesy of Qatar Airways
Qatar Airways began daily service from Boston last week, and its arrival brings some pretty heavy baggage. The “luxury” airline is owned...
Charles Koch’s Bernie BS
Charles Koch gets my award for the single most audacious, ridiculous and unintentionally funny op-ed I have read this year — and maybe...
New Poll Shows Deep Split in Democratic Party
I am more convinced than ever that the path to success for the Democratic Party is to focus primarily on mobilizing the rising American...
Coming Soon: A Big Change Moment
It is still very early, and there will be twists and turns aplenty, but the election results so far have convinced me of one thing:...