Puppets of the Koch Brothers
I have been arguing for some time that the Republican Party establishment is now thoroughly controlled by the Koch brothers and their...

Julian Bond’s Path and the Crossroads in Front of Us Today
I have been thinking a lot about the incomparable Julian Bond the last couple of days, but as he would no doubt be saying, in spite of...
Trump and the Koch-heads
The debate season is starting, and there is no doubt that it is entertaining. The media’s obsession with Trump will not be diminished by...
Wall Street, The Koch Brothers and the Alternative
Wall Street and the Koch brothers have an agenda for America that, unless you are worth at least $50 million and are a top executive of a...

Trump, Jeb, Jamie Dimon: Out-of-Touch 1-Percenters
Donald Trump is getting the lion’s share of attention in the Republican circus right now, but he is hardly the only 1-percenter who is...

SEC Commissioner: We Shouldn’t Be Promoting Investor Confidence
A leading Republican regulator, SEC Commissioner Michael Piwowar, said in a speech to Cato recently that the goal of the Securities and...

Modern Conservatives Hate It’s a Wonderful Life
I wrote on Friday about the way the modern conservative movement, and the Republican party which is owned by it, have devolved into a...

Two Kinds of Meanness: The Modern Conservative Movement
I grew up and did my early work in politics in Nebraska, and my wife is a farmer’s daughter from rural Missouri. I spent about 10 years...

ALEC: Paying for Corporate Lobbying With Our Tax Dollars
My careful and objective analysis, based on 35 years in political life, is that ALEC is one of the sleaziest organizations in modern...
Is the TPP Okay With Slavery? Really?
So the fast track plan to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership has run into a new wrinkle after an amendment passed in the Senate debate:...