A Libertarian Dream: The ‘Sharing Economy’ headshot
Regulatory agencies do a ton of hearings and other discussions and events that don’t get a lot of attention at the time, but turn out, in...
Trade and the Enforcement Issue
The trade debate is a thoroughly engrossing saga full of intriguing story lines, as both parties find themselves in civil wars as the...

Exciting Ideas Driving Progressive Organizing
There is a lot of great thinking about policy that is driving progressive movement organizing right now. While policy discussion in the...
Senators Warren and Brown: Time to Let the Public In on the TPP
This letter from Elizabeth Warren and Sherrod Brown sets the perfect tone for the debate on the TPP. It is respectful while at the same...
Mr. President: The More You Attack Us, The More We’ll Fight Back
The stories about the President and his aides escalating the fight with progressives over Fast Track and TPP are getting me worked up: ...

White House Trade Strategy: Talk Progressive, Use Wall Street to Negotiate the Deal
At the Stop Fast Track Rally yesterday, AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka talked about the White House trying to undermine labor solidarity...

Elizabeth Warren’s Comprehensive Wall Street Reform Agenda
Elizabeth Warren has given her fair share of great speeches, and has written some outstanding legislation on reforming Wall Street, but...
The Angst of the Rich and Powerful
There have been a couple of recent articles that relate to money and politics that, while infuriating on many levels, have also struck me...
Most Important Election of 2015: Chuy Garcia’s People’s Campaign Versus Rahm Emanuel’s Big Money
Every so often, a local election comes along that has enormous implications in terms of the national political narrative. Back in the...
Two Campaigns That Are Game Changers
I’m signing on to two exciting campaigns that would both build the diversity of the Democratic Party’s leadership and add to progressive...