Financial Collapse: The Sequel?
Wall Street lobbyists have snuck into the budget package an amendment that would repeal the part of Dodd-Frank that reins in the...
Singularly Bad Idea: Wall Street Taking Over Public Education
Hedge fund CEOs and various kinds of slick venture capitalists see tapping the public education “market” — the pool of public dollars...
Elizabeth Warren’s Winning Ways
Much has been made of Elizabeth Warren being the go-to Democrat in this cycle, being eagerly welcomed in places like West Virginia and...
An Agenda and Narrative That Wins Elections
This blog post is partly about politics and partly about economic policies that will expand America’s middle class and make it more...

President Snow and Mitch McConnell: The Power Hunger Games
Okay, so the elections were really awful. We have a lot of very serious work to do in the progressive movement. But sometimes when things...
Unleashing the Democratic Tsunami in 2016
Since I have been involved in politics as a full-time job, there have been five times where I had a really bad election night, where the...
Democrats Failed to Tell Their Story
The era of either political party surviving a tough cycle by localizing elections and grinding victories out race by race through good...

Ernst Lies, Gardner Won’t Answer Questions, and Other Tales From This Koch-fueled Election
Every election has some strangeness to it, some quirks that make old pols like me shake our heads and say “really?” But this one could be...
Boeing: Taking Taxpayer Dollars and Breaking Promises
Seeing as how it is just three weeks prior to the elections, I very rarely would write about anything else right now, but I just have to...
Who Should the Democrats Support in South Dakota? The Democrat
There is some chatter amongst some D.C. Democrats that it really doesn’t matter in the South Dakota Senate race which of the two...