Subsidies for Big Business: Why Are We Doing This Again?
One area where a lot of us populist progressives agree with at least the rhetoric of the Tea Party is the issue of subsidies to big...
President Obama: Be Even Bolder on Global Warming
There’s a terrific new report out by the White House on the economic damage that will be wreaked by global warming, and it is good to see...
Presidential Politics and Predictions: Be Ready to Be Wrong
Markos Moulitsas at Dailykos has a thoughtful piece up on the 2016 presidential primary for the Democrats, arguing that Hillary is...

South Dakota Senate Candidate Makes New Music Video
South Dakota Democratic Senate candidate Rick Weiland, whose innovative Johnny Cash cover earlier this campaign helped spark his...

The Progressive Moment
I am in Detroit at Netroots Nation with 3,000 pugnacious activists who are fighting the good fight to turn this country around. I am...