Memo to Democrats: Inflation Only Beats You If You Don’t Talk About It
Democrats need to understand that we have a winning message on inflation. But inflation will beat us if we avoid the issue or are...

Path to a Democratic Victory in 2022
The DC chattering class convinced themselves a remarkably long time ago that the Democrats were doomed, doomed, doomed in the 2022...

Bank lobbyists’ attacks on CFPB obscure the real ‘rogues’
This article originally appeared in American Banker on July 11, 2022. Washington lobbyists for Wall Street are often really rich, and by...

Something Bubbling in the Heartland
The conventional wisdom of the DC pundits in 2022 is that the Democrats are doomed, and that the biggest reason for their impending...

To survive in this economic climate, Democrats must fight monopolies, not flirt with them
The Democrats’ only chance for success in this challenging year is to run as the party willing to take on greedy, monopolistic...

Feel Like A Number
There is a great old Bob Seger song called Feel Like A Number that talks about a working-class guy whose employer -- and society --...

The Choice for Democrats
Freak Out Over the Culture War, or Take the Side of Working Families in the Economic War I am a long time Democratic consultant who...

Why Democrats Can Win in 2022, and How We Will Do It
Authored by Mike Lux & Celinda Lake Between the last half of 2021 being a little rocky and the challenging history of midterm elections...

Abortion is a Great Issue for Democrats, as Long as It’s Not the Only Issue
With the awful but unsurprising news this week that the Supreme Court is likely to overturn Roe, we are faced with one of those...

Democrats Need to Wake Up. They Don’t Need to Panic.
Oh, yeah, that election thing was sobering. A big wake-up call. And every other cliché you want to use after you get stung in an...