Busting the Electability Myth
Everyone keeps asking who's the most electable presidential candidate in the Democratic field, but here's why the conventional wisdom is...

The Things Everyone Should Know About Electability
“Electability” is the hottest word of the moment, on every Democrat’s mind for sure. Our sprawling, unwieldy, feisty, hyper-diverse...

Democrats, Stop Failing at Economics 101
Voters don’t like Donald Trump very much: his approval rating has never been higher than 45%; it’s generally stuck in the low 40s; and...

Democrats, Stop the Label BS
Hey, Democrats, winning is talking issues and values. You're losing if you're focusing on labels.
Mueller Was Never Going to Save Us: Democrats Need to Get Back to Basics
So much hype, to so little effect. DC’s reaction to Attorney General Bob Barr’s doctored summary of the Mueller report is annoyingly...
What It Takes to Win a Landslide
I made a trip to Iowa last week to speak at the Iowa Building Trades Council meeting and see old friends. It’s always fascinating to go...

Chill The F*ck Out
It seems like all Democrats want to do right now is bicker about the primaries. May we remind you, we are 339 days away from the first...

The 2021 Democratic State of the Union Speech
We've heard enough about all the bullsh*t Trump spewed at #SOTU19. It's time for something better.
Medicare For All? Yes, But How Do We Get There?
Everyone is talking about the idea of Medicare for All (MFA) these days -- Democratic presidential candidates, the Congressional...

Howard Schultz: Billionaire Entitlement Syndrome
Howard Schultz apparently wants to give Donald Trump back the White House in 2020 by running as an Independent. Hey billionaires......