My Christmas Wish: More Jesus, Less Trump
One of America’s core blessings and foundational values is freedom of religion, and that means we have a delightful diversity of...

Game of Speaker's Chair
Bet you were wondering why #FiveWhiteGuys were going after Nancy Pelosi... Well, as usual, Mike has the answers. And, as usual, all you...
Going After Wall Street is Good Politics
Based on a lot of great research by political messaging gurus I respect, I am convinced that the best play for Democrats consists of...
The DC Centrist Democrat Spin Cycle
The votes aren’t even done being counted yet, but the classic post-election spin cycle from the Wall Street wing of the Democratic Party...
The Senate in 2018 and 2020, and What to Do About Red State Politics
There’s a lot of doom and gloom on the Democratic side about the Senate. Losing multiple Senate seats is rough, and not winning the Texas...
The Story Goes Ever Onward: the Hope and the Horror of 2018
Every election cycle is its own novel, and every one of these novels has a prequel and a sequel. 2018 was a doozy, but 2020 is going to...

The Democrats’ Closing Argument: Community Over Cruelty
Ever since Donald Trump infamously descended that escalator and talked about Mexicans as rapists -- and became the Republican frontrunner...

How the Democrats Win on Immigration
In a special "Mike Lux, the Politics Guy" collaboration with American Family Voices, Mike outlines how the Democrats can win on...

Mike Takes on Opportunist Democrats
Mike confesses that he laughed out loud when he heard the term "opportunity Democrats," the new moniker in the rebranding effort of...

Brett Kava-HELL-NAH!!!!
Brett. Kavanaugh. He's a major threat to some of the most important rights we have fought to secure. But worst of all? He thinks the...