The False Choice Media Elites Push Onto Democrats
I admire the reporters I know. They have hard jobs and are attacked constantly by the president for just reporting the news honestly. The...

Busting the Electability Myth
Everyone keeps asking who's the most electable presidential candidate in the Democratic field, but here's why the conventional wisdom is...

How the Democrats Win on Immigration
In a special "Mike Lux, the Politics Guy" collaboration with American Family Voices, Mike outlines how the Democrats can win on...
The False Debate About The Future Of The Democratic Party: Time To End Either/Or Politics
When a political party loses a big election (especially an election they clearly should have won), and finds itself out of power at every...
Democrats Win Big By Rising Above Trump
We know exactly what Donald Trump’s strategy is: Take this election straight into the gutter, keep it there, and make voters so disgusted...
No Contradiction For Democrats: Assume Nothing And Fight To Build A Big Wave
The problem for a campaign and political party where you seem to be way ahead is the tendency to get cocky and begin to coast. There is...
The Message Of 2016: Ignore Workers And Working Families At Your Peril
Last week’s Brexit vote was just the latest example — albeit a giant one — in this wild political year when workers have been sending the...