Comey’s Innuendo Will Be Democrats’ Ultimate Inspiration
I have been involved in politics a long time, knocking on doors as a kid in the first presidential race I was involved in for George...
Democrats Win Big By Rising Above Trump
We know exactly what Donald Trump’s strategy is: Take this election straight into the gutter, keep it there, and make voters so disgusted...
Hillary Slayed Monday Night, But There’s Something Deeper Going On Here
If you are reading this, you probably watched the debate Monday night. And if you watched the debate, odds are, you share my view that...
Panic? Not Hardly. But Democrats Must Focus On Our Base
Democrats far and wide are asking: is it really possible we might lose to the guy who seems to be trying to brand himself as the worst...
Democrats Must Ignore Distractions And Seize The Day
Yeah, okay, this hasn’t been the Clinton campaign’s best weekend ever. The media and the Trump campaign both have reasons to play the...
No Contradiction For Democrats: Assume Nothing And Fight To Build A Big Wave
The problem for a campaign and political party where you seem to be way ahead is the tendency to get cocky and begin to coast. There is...

Trump And The Christians
One of the most ironic things about the 2016 campaign is the willingness of the Christian conservative world to so eagerly embrace Donald...
The Hillary Clinton I Know
I am back from the Democratic convention, and beyond all the socializing and speeches, it made me reflective about these weird, wild, but...
The Kaine Pick: No Surprises But Big Questions
Hillary Clinton’s choice of Tim Kaine as her running mate is the least surprising political thing that has happened all year long. He was...
The Message Of 2016: Ignore Workers And Working Families At Your Peril
Last week’s Brexit vote was just the latest example — albeit a giant one — in this wild political year when workers have been sending the...